The Robotic Mule
SBIR FY03.2 Topic A03-242
Department of Defense (DoD)/ARMY - Tank Automotive RD&E Center (TARDEC)
The entire solicitation may be viewed at
A03-242 TITLE: The Robotic Mule
TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Ground/Sea Vehicles
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this SBIR topic is to build a legged robotic Mule for troop support and payload carrying.
DESCRIPTION: Robotics is an area of increased interest in the Defense community. With an increased reliance on robotic vehicles, alternate mobility mechanisms must be examined. On narrow mountain passes or heavily forested trails, there is no room to widen the wheelbase of a vehicle in order to increase stability under a payload. Because of the inherent high center of gravity of a quadraped or biped robot, legged robots are well suited to this task. When you think about it, the best way to increase payload on a narrow trail is to build a taller, not wider vehicle. The ability to adjust center of gravity and gait is key to a successful robotic "Mule."
PHASE I: This vehicle should be designed from the beginning with payload capacity in mind. A payload fraction of 25% should be a design goal. Phase I should investigate ways to adjust the gait and posture of the robot under heavy loading.
PHASE II: The final design will be built and tested in Phase II with a heavy emphasis on testing. It is the author's opinion that several changes will need to be made in control algorithms upon testing of the final design. That is why I suggest that final assembly of the prototype should occur approximately 3/4 of the way through Phase II.
PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: While many commercial uses are available for a walking payload robot, probably the most viable would be in the toy and household markets. The government would greatly benefit from having a US commercial base in legged robotics, because right now, there is really only a base in Japan and Europe, greatly hindering our ability to develop cutting edge robotics. This is why we are very interested in partnering with industry to develop a core capability in the US.
1) A. Kuo "Energetics of actively powered locomotion using the simplest walking model". J. Biomechanical Engineering 124, 113-120 February 2002.
2) E.Z. Moore and M. Buehler, "Stable Stair Climbing in a Simple Hexapod", 4th Int. Conf. on Climbing and Walking Robots, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 2001.
3) J. Pratt "Exploiting Inherent Robustness and Natural Dynamics in the Control of Bipedal Walking Robots" Ph.D. Thesis MIT June 2000.
4) M. Garcia, et. al. "The Simplest Walking Model: Stability, Complexity, and Scaling". J. Biomechanical Engineering February 1998.
5) T. McGeer "Passive dynamic walking". International Journal of Robotics Research April 1990.
KEYWORDS: robotics, legged robotics, dynamic stability
Questions about SBIR and Solicitation Topics
Paul Muench
Between May 1 and June 30, 2003, you may talk directly with the Topic Authors to ask technical questions about the topics. Their names, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses are listed within each solicitation topic above. For reasons of competitive fairness, direct communication between proposers and topic authors is not allowed starting July 1, when DoD begins accepting proposals for this solicitation. However, proposers may still submit written questions about solicitation topics through the SBIR/STTR Interactive Topic Information System (SITIS), in which the questioner and respondent remain anonymous and all questions and answers are posted electronically for general viewing until the solicitation closes. All proposers are advised to monitor SITIS (03.2 Q&A) during the solicitation period for questions and answers, and other significant information, relevant to the SBIR 03.2 topic under which they are proposing.
NOTE: The Solicitations listed on this site are partial copies from the various SBIR and STTR agency solicitations and are not necessarily the latest and most up-to-date. For this reason, you should always use the suggested links on our reference pages. These will take you directly to the appropriate agency information where you can read the official version of the solicitation you are interested in. The official link for this page is:
July 1, 2003: DoD begins accepting proposals
August 14, 2003: Deadline for receipt of proposals by 6:00 a.m. EST. |