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Conference/Event Details
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NIH Funding Opportu"NIH"ties / FDA Update
Cambridge , MA

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Web Site:

Conference Address:
DOT- Volpe Transportation Center
55 Broadway


So, you're a "S"mall "B"usinness doing "I"nnovative "R"esearch…Have you considered applying for an NIH SBIR/STTR award and been confused about the process? Wondering if your technology is a fit for a program solicitation? OR Have you have applied and been unsuccessful? Then this program is for you. Experienced program managers & policy officers from the NIH & FDA will share their knowledge- what works vs. what doesn't. Learn what funding opportunities are available; how to prepare a competitive application; gain insight into the peer review process; and what will be expected once you accept an award. Many biomedical technologies developed with NIH funding may require FDA approval. Gain perspective on the FDA's role in the commercialization process.

Jo Anne Goodnight- SBIR/STTR Program Coordinator, Office of the Director, NIH
"NIH Funding Opportu"NIH"ties". Learn how to gain access to the $525+ million SBIR/STTR dollars that are reserved solely for small businesses conducting innovative research. Learn about NIH funding opportunities & new initiatives- SBIR, STTR, Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs).

Anthony M. Coelho- Review Policy Officer, Office of the Director, NIH
"Grant Writing for Success" This workshop includes the strategies for successful grant writing. Understand why grant applications fail, learn how to make an application "reviewer friendly" and meet the needs of the funding agency.
"Understanding the NIH Peer Review Process" Knowing how the process works can enhance your chances of funding.

Kathleen Shino- Supervisory Grants Management Specialist, National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases, NIH
"Facts about Funding- Pre & Post Award" Do you really understand the "B" in the SBIR program? This presentation will discuss eligibility issues; Your roles & responsibilities; When you need prior approvals; How to handle assurances; What is conflict of interest; What to do about changes in status; What's involved in reporting requirements; and the financial and administrative systems to ensure that you're in compliance with Federal regulations & good "B"usiness practices.

Sandra L. Kweder- Deputy Director, Office of New Drugs, Center for Drug Evaluation & Research (CDER), FDA
"The Drug Approval Process- Old & New" Overview of how drugs are brought to the market with the oversight of the FDA. Highlighting recent FDA initiatives.

Speaker (TBA)- Center for Devices & Radiological Health (CDRH), FDA
Private Company Meetings with NIH Program Managers & FDA Policy Officers.

REGISTRATION: Pre-payment required- by November 11th
WEST Members: $65
Co-Host Members: $80
Non-members: $95

For all registrations received November 12th or on-site registration

WEST Members: $100
Co-Host Members: $125
Non-members: $150

Who Should Attend:
Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Sales & Marketing Professionals, University Researchers with a business/entrepreneurial streak, Scientist seeking commercialization strategies, Startup company executives seeking licensing opportunities, Small businesses in need of securing federal funding resources, technology transfer officers, individuals interested in learning how to create value from technology. This meeting will provide value for any recipient of goverment contracts & grants.

Contact Information:
Name:    Irene Walczak
