Learn How to Tap into a Billion-Dollar Business Resource at the National Small Business Innovation Research Conference! |
Small businesses can learn how to apply for, and what it takes to win, some of the $1+billion in U.S. Government R&D investments at the March 11–14, 2002, National SBIR Conference in Anaheim, CA. This conference offers some new features and sessions to address the questions and concerns of small businesses that want to learn more about SBIRs and of those who are already successful in Phase I and are looking to move forward into financing, partnering and commercialization. We've built more time into the agenda for substantial agency presentations and networking opportunities! Because the SBIR program is meant to help small businesses from start (concept and R&D) to finish (commercialization), we've included programming to help you identify what you need to do from the start to help you position yourself and your company to advance successfully to Phase III. What is the SBIR and why YOU should attend? The SBIR program funds high-risk projects at the earliest stages of development—before companies can attract venture capital—and works with you through that development and on into the actual commercialization of your product! Over $1 billion will be awarded to innovative companies like yours in the next year. Terms are extremely favorable, and the small business partner keeps the commercial rights to their intellectual property, such as patents. To learn how your company can tap into this resource, join us in Anaheim. Already participating in SBIR? Why YOU should attend. Check the program and you will find multiple session focused on identifying and utilizing existing resources, preparing your company structure, marketing, and identifying the "who and how" of partnering for commercialization. In addition, you will have direct access to agency, resource, organization and corporate representatives during the conference. Updated 01/17/02 |