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Conference/Event Details
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Wyoming SBIR/STTR Initiative State Conference
Rock Springs, WA

Wednesday, May 28, 2003 and Thursday, May 29, 2003

Web Site:

Conference Address:
The conference will be held at the: Rock Springs Holiday Inn 1675 Sunset Dr. ROCK SPRINGS, WY, Mention the SBIR Conf. for $55.00 rate


The 3rd annual Wyoming SBIR/STTR Initiative (WSSI) State Conference will be held in Rock Springs, Wyoming at the Holiday Inn. The agenda (available on the WSSI web site) includes state & federal resources, success stories, current SBIR/STTR projects in Wyoming, networking opportunities, and a full day Phase I Proposal Preparation with Jim & Gail Greenwood of Greenwood Consulting, Sanibel, Florida. $95 Conference fee if registered on or before May 14. $120 after May 14.

Who Should Attend:
Any small business or individual with innovative ideas; specifically those with product or service ideas in the concept stage that will require R&D to bring the innovation through to the commercialization phase. Anyone interested in learning about state & federal resources available to them. Individuals and small businesses seeking R&D funding for high-tech projects.

Contact Information:
Name:    Jill Kline
