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8th Annual SBIR/STTR/ATP Conference
Richmond, VA
Thursday, September 19, 2002 and Friday, September 20, 2002
Web Site:
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Conference Address:
Richmond Marriott
500 East Broad Street
Richmond, Viriginia 23219
The conference is designed to enable small, high technology firms with up to 500 employees, in collaboration with research scientists from a university, a federally funded R&D center, or a nonprofit research institution interested in sources of funding for high risk, innovative ideas in defense, health, energy, transportation, commerce, agriculture, environment, basic science, and space-related research and technology to apply for Small Business Innovative Research/Small Business Technology Transfer/Advanced Technology Program (SBIR/STTR/ATP) funding for research and development.
Who Should Attend:
The SBIR and related programs provide a great opportunity for many small high tech firms and research scientists. The SBIR program seeks out the nationís outstanding, small, high tech firms and research scientists to participate in its research and development programs. It promotes research- based, innovative, high risk/high payoff, and breakthrough potential ideas, including emerging areas. The budget for the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and the related Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program for the current year is a record $1.4 billion. The Advanced Technology Program of the NIST has a budget of $211million for fiscal year 2002
Contact Information:
Name: K.C. Das