The National SBIR/STTR Conference
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque Hotel
Albuquerque, NM
March 11 - 14, 2003
Print & Fax/Mail Back Registration Form


Badge Name: (if different)___________________________________________________________________________





Selection SBIR/STTR Conference Registration Options Register By

Full Conference

$350 $400
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
(Includes Tuesday Welcome Reception)
Thursday, March 13, 2003
Friday, March 14, 2003
  Optional WorkshopsAdditional Fee Required

Phase I Proposal Preparation Workshop
Tuesday, March 11, 7:30am-4:30pmIncludes Continental Breakfast, Lunch & Materials.


Workshop #1: Proposal Preparation Workshop, Phase II
Friday, March 14, 12:15pm - 4:00pmIncludes a Box Lunch & Materials.


Workshop #2: Basic Accounting for Government Contracts
Friday, March 14, 1:00pm-3:00pm


Workshop #3: Three Pieces of the Puzzle!
Friday, March 14, 1:00pm-3:00pm


Workshop #4: Winning Phase III SBIR Awards/Challenging "Bundled" Contracts
Friday, March 14, 1:00pm-4:00pm

  Total Amount Due:  



Exhibits & One-On-One TablesAdditional Fee Required
If you are interested in exhibit space or one-on-one tables, please check the appropriate boxes below and a representative from the SBIR Conference Center will contact you.


I am interested in 10'x 10' Exhibit Space


I am interested in Table Top Exhibit Space


I am interested in One-On-One Tables

$50 x # of tables

Total Registration/Additional Workshop Fees: $
Check - Payable to SBIR Conferences

Credit Card: _____VISA    _____Mastercard    _____American Express

Note: For VISA & Mastercard only: Please enter your CV code (the last 3 digits located on the signature panel on the back of your card). CV Code:______________________
Card Number:_____________________________________________ Exp.:_______________________
Card Holder Name:____________________________________ Signature:________________________

Please Answer the Following Questions:
  1. Number of Employees at your Company Location:
    ___2-5 ___6-19 ___20-49 ___50-99 ___100-249 ___250-499 ___500+

  2. Which of the following describes your main area of interest? Check ONE:
    ___Communications ___Computers ___Electronics ___Energy ___Optics/Photonics 
    ___Environmental Tech ___Life Sciences ___Materials ___Mechanics 

  3. ____Please indicate if you need special assistance to participate.
    ____Do you have special dietary needs? Explain:__________________________________________

  4. Check if you are a past: ___ SBIR Phase I Winner ___ SBIR Phase II Award Winner

  5. Please check those agencies you have an SBIR/STTR award with:

    ____Department of Agriculture
    Department of Commerce:
    Department of Defense:
    ____Air Force
    ____Missile Defense Agency
    ____Department of Education
    ____Department of Energy
    ____Department of Health & Human Services
    ____Department of Transportation
    ____Environmental Protection Agency
    ____National Science Foundation
Questions? Call the SBIR Conference Center at .

Return completed forms to:
SBIR Conference Center
P.O. Box 2890
Sequim, WA 98382


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