Conference Program
General Information
The conference officially ends at noon on Thursday, October 30, but in addition to the optional, hands-on, post-conference workshops, we are offering two BONUS SESSIONS included in your basic conference fee! Both sessions will be offered from 1:00pm to 2:30pm on Thursday, and you are asked to note if you will be attending for planning purposes on your registration. No extra fees apply to these two Bonus Sessions!
Bonus Session #1: Compliance Issues
Do you know what they are? Are you in compliance? When you sign your paperwork, you guarantee you will be in compliance with a long list of items. Are you really??? If you are doing surveys or working with human subjects, working with animals, have a conflict of interest, working with hazardous materials (only four in a long list!), you may need to check things out! This session will introduce you to the real world of compliance…better safe than sorry!
Bonus Session #2: Electronic Submissions
Times have definitely changed! Paper is out – electronic is in! Other sessions have gone over content – this one will deal with format. Both are needed for a successful proposal. Also, what is FastLane, FastTrack? What do they mean? How do they differ? This is the session that gives you the new “rules of the road.” |