Conference Program
General Information
To round out your conference options, we are happy to provide several optional workshops to our registered conference attendees. Please read all the guidelines applying to registration and for participation in these various optional workshops.
The following policies apply to ALL workshops:
- Persons wanting to attend any of the optional workshops must be registered for the conference – either one day or full registration.
- ALL workshop registrations are based on obtaining a minimum registration count. In the event the established minimum pre-registration is not obtained by October 7, 2003 the workshop(s) may be cancelled.
- If cancellation occurs, all those who have pre-registered for said workshop will be notified, and prepaid fees will be refunded/credited back in full via the same method of payment.
- No refunds will be made for No Shows.
- Materials will be provided to those attending the workshops only. Determination as to whether materials are supplied to persons signing up, but not attending the full workshop, will be made by each individual workshop instructor.
- If there is a high demand for any workshop and capacity has been reached, registrants may be contacted and asked to re-confirm their participation in order to ensure their space is held.
WORKSHOP A: Pre-Conference, Monday, October 27, 7:30am – 4:30pm
Proposal Preparation Workshop, Phase I – Presented by Jim & Gail Greenwood, Greenwood Consulting Group, Inc., under sponsorship of Sandia National Laboratories.
A hands-on, full day workshop to walk you through, in detail, the process of writing a strong Phase I proposal. This popular workshop will go over the basics of developing a competitive Phase I SBIR or STTR proposal. A group critique of an actual proposal will give you insights into the whole process. An overview of basic government accounting concepts is included. Note: Some of the general information covered in this session will be repeated in the SBIR/STTR 101 session on Tuesday.
Materials Fee: $95. Advance registration is required and closes for this workshop on October 7 or when capacity has been reached. This is a very popular workshop so register early! Fee includes continental breakfast, lunch, breaks, and materials. Please note: Due to the usual high demand and extensive materials provided with this workshop, NO On-site Requests for this workshop will be accepted.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROPOSAL PREP, PHASE I WORKSHOP – PLEASE READ: This workshop requires, additional, separate registration – It is NOT included in the basic conference registration. Registration confirmation for the main conference DOES NOT entitle participation in this workshop; however, registration for the conference is a requirement for participation. To avoid confusion and misunderstanding, persons must pre-register for this session by the October 7th date. No on-site walk-ins will be added the day of the workshop. Materials for this workshop will NOT be provided for "No-shows."
WORKSHOP B: Post-Conference, Thursday, October 30, 12:30pm-4:30pm (Lunch & Check-In Available at 12 Noon)
Proposal Preparation Workshop, Phase II – Presented by Jim & Gail Greenwood, Greenwood Consulting Group, Inc., under sponsorship of Sandia National Laboratories.
You will learn about the differences between Phase I and Phase II, the increased variability in how each SBIR agency treats its Phase II projects, and what to emphasize in your Phase II proposal. This workshop is an abbreviated version of the full-day workshop offered by the Greenwoods. In order to maximize time, please note this workshop will start at 12:30pm with a working lunch provided in the meeting room. PLEASE NOTE: To facilitate an on-time start, check-in and lunch will be available from 12 Noon.
Materials Fee: $75. Advance registration is required and closes for this workshop on October 7, 2003 or when capacity has been reached. Should capacity not be reached prior to October 7, the remaining slots will be available to conference attendees through noon, Wednesday, October 29.
WORKSHOP C: Post-Conference, Thursday, October 30, 1:00pm-4:00pm
Basic Accounting for Government Contracts/Grants – Presented by: Russ Farmer, PBC, Inc.
Working with the government is different. To avoid time consuming and costly mistakes, learn what you need to know and how to set up your business before you have to provide those reports! This workshop will address basic accounting practices to follow when working with governmental entities as well as establishing indirect rates, job costing, and accounting differences among the Agencies.
Materials Fee: $45. Advance registration is required and closes for this workshop on October 7, 2003 or when capacity has been reached. Should capacity not be reached prior to October 7, the remaining slots will be available to conference attendees through noon, Wednesday, October 29.