SBIR Conference Center Main Page
Watch this site for updates!!! Updated 02/24/03
SBIR Pre-Conference Workshop/Sessions Tuesday, March 11, 2003 |
Time & Location
Program Session & Speakers
Phase I: Proposal Preparation WorkshopPre-registration required; Additional fees apply.
Presented by: Gail & Jim Greenwood, Greenwood Consulting, Inc.
- Workshop Check-in available outside meeting room at 7:30am, Session starts at 8:00am.
- A Continental Breakfast will be available in the meeting room at 7:30am; Lunch will be provided.
State Representatives' Meeting - By invitation only
Education Outreach - By invitation only
University and high school students * Held at the UNM campus
SBIR Conference Registration & Service Desk Open
Welcome Reception!
Your Official WELCOME to the Conference and the State of New Mexico!
Your opportunity to meet and visit with fellow attendees, speakers and SBIR Program Managers. Hors d'oeuvres provided; Cash bar.
This Reception is sponsored in part by:
Technology Ventures Corp. and Scandia Science & Technology Park
DAY ONE: Wednesday, March 12, 2003
SBIR/STTR Basics: The WHAT and WHO YOU need to know!
7:00am-6:00pm SBIR Registration & Service Desk & Breaks
7:00am-9:00am Continental Breakfast
12:30pm-7:30pm Networking Room Open: Exhibits & One-on-One Tables
Time & Location
Program Session & Speakers
Official Welcome & Opening
Welcome & Remarks by NSF (Kesh Narayanan); DoD (Ivory Fisher); SBA (Maurice Swinton) and Barbara Stoller, Director NM State SBIR Outreach and Conference Local Committee Program Chairman
Keynote Presentation: Bruce Kirchhoff, Distinguished Professor & Director of Technological Entrepreneurship Program, New Jersey Institute of Technology
SBIR/STTR 101: : A general program overview will be given, explaining the basics of the SBIR and STTR Programs and providing general information that applies to all agencies. General Q&A
SBIR Program Managers: Lee Eiden, Dept. of Education and JoAnne Goodnight, NIH
10:10am- 10:40am
Agency Overviews: An Introduction to the Participating Agencies. . This session will provide each of the ten (10) participating Agencies with approximately 10 minutes to highlight their primary topic area and basic program information to help you identify which Agencies you are most likely to want to talk to in more detail at the afternoon Expanded Sessions and/or Networking Opportunities.
Networking Walk About Lunch
Build your own lunch, Walk around and visit the exhibits, with other attendees & representatives.
Networking Room: Exhibits & One-on-one Tables Open
Agencies, organizations, companies and resources are available during the afternoon and through the Reception.
Expanded Agency Presentations: Select the Agencies most closely aligned with your technology or area of interest. Presentations will focus on unique agency aspects and issues. You will gain the perspective of each agency on the key factors they see in getting your product/service to market. This session is presented in three (3) concurrent tracks.
Track #1
Track #2
Track #3
Networking Reception
Remarks from Gov. Bill Richardson (Invited)
Join everyone in the Networking Room for refreshments and conversation. Meet the Agency SBIR Program Managers and other Exhibitors
DAY TWO: Thursday, March 13, 2003
National Issues and Partnerships: Critical Technologies & Strategic Alliances!
7:00am-5:00pm SBIR Registration & Service Desk
7:00am-9:00am Continental Breakfast available
7:00am-5:00pm Networking Room: Exhibits Open
7:00-11:30; 1:00-5:00: One-on-one Tables Open
Time & Location
Program Sessions & Speakers
Concurrent Program Sessions & Speakers
Critical Technologies Partnering Opportunities
Industry Clusters -Challenges - Opportunities
Presentations by industry experts and SBIR winners will discuss partnering opportunities and the importance of establishing partnerships as they brought, or are bringing, their technologies to the marketplace. Help in identifying the Who, What, When, Where, How & Why! Presentations will be delivered via six different technology areas allowing references to specific problem areas and/or concerns.
Track #1
Track #2
This session will focus on using SBIR/STTR strategically to build biotechnology companies.
Matthew Ennis, Argus Insights
Jo Anne Goodnight, National Institutes of Health
Peter Soliz, Ph.D, Kestrel Corp.
Chuck Call, Mesosystems Technology, Inc.
The goal of this session is to provide valuable tips and information related to commercializing SBIR technology. Presentations will focus on the experience of small businesses in preparing SBIR proposals, conducting conceptual validation and utilizing Phase II funding to develop commercial products.
Vic Chavez, Sandia National Laboratory
Paul Shirley, Qynergy Corp.
Mike Chase, Applied Technology Associates
Joel Roark, Nomadics, Inc.
Break - Move between sessions
Information Technologies – Pathways to Commercialization
This session will provide valuable tips and information related to commercializing SBIR technology.
Randy Burge, New Mexico Economic Development Department
Juan Figueroa, SBIR Prgm. Mgr., NSF
Rett Rasmussen, Avanza Technologies, Inc.
John Elling, Cytoprint, Inc.
Sul Kassicieh, Univ. of New Mexico Anderson School of Management
The objective of the Photonics/Optics Panel is to provide information on commercially successful SBIR projects. Some creativity is necessary to leverage the SBIR Program with other sources of obtain commercial success. Panel members will discuss past SBIR projects as examples as a foundation for discussion.
William Latham, Air Force Research Lab, Directed Energy Directorate
Leonard Otten, Kestrel Corp.
William Goodman, Schafer Corp.
Peter Moulton, Q-PEAK Inc.
Homeland Security
The goal of this session is to identify opportunities in the emerging field of Homeland Security (HS) relating to commercializing new technology. Presentations by panel members will help identify the federal agencies involved with HS, new technologies or new technology markets developing in HS and Public Safety, and success stories from business executives and experts since 9/11 in public safety.
Lisa Hecker, Public Safety Technology Center
Julie Seaton, AST, Inc.
Joe Henebury, Dept. of Transportation
Van Romero, New Mexico Tech
This session will provide insight on the process of topic development and selection by the Air Force and benefits to both the government and SBIR awardees.
Robert Hancock, Air Force Research Lab
Eugene Fosness, Air Force Research Lab
Dr. Connor Johnson, CSA Engineering, Inc.
Major Kenneth Sebek, Space Missile center – Det 12
Robert Meurer, AeroAstro, Inc.
SBIR Table Topics Luncheon: Seating by Technology Topic Areas
Lunch Break BONUS Session: State Opportunities Briefing
Moderator; Rick Homans, New Mexico Secretary of Economic Development
This informal session will provide a brief overview of SBDC, EDD, SBIR-Outreach in the state of New Mexico. In addition, representatives from Oklahoma, Arizona, California, Texas and Colorado will provide information about one of the successful outreach programs in their state. Time permitting, a brief Q&A may follow.
Concurrent Program Sessions & Speakers
Forming Partnerships and Alliances
What resource options are right for your company? How do you work with universities, labs and other organizations? Do you know what resources are out there? The following concurrent sessions are geared to address some of the many questions facing small businesses as they move into or through the SBIR Program.
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Technology Partners to Market
Learn how to access and leverage technical talent and innovative research at a large research institution or national laboratory. Determine which partnership method is best for you!
John Warner, Technology Ventures Corp.
Jerome Garcia, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Vic Chavez, Sandia National Laboratory
Van Romero, New Mexico Tech University
David DeYoung, Boeing-SVS
Partnerships: SBIR/STTR Success Stories in EPSCoR Program
This session will highlight successful SBIR/STTR efforts in EPSCoR (Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) states funded by the National Science Foundation. The EPSCoR program will be presented to identify strategies and opportunities for successful SBIT/STTR proposals.
Moderator & Participant:
Dr. James Gosz, NM State EPSCoR Director, UNM
Dr. Jane Harrington, EPSCoR Division, National Science Foundation
Dr. William Gern, Wyoming State EPSCoR Committee Chrmn., Univ. of Wyoming
State Opportunities Briefing
Each of the following states will highlight the opportunities, programs, services their state offers high tech small businesses. Learn about the unique capabilities and competencies states have develop to promote high tech economic development.
Mariann Johnston, Sandia National Laboratory
Linda L. Andrews, Pima Community College, Arizona
Bonnie Cornwell, California Techn., Trade & Commerce Agency, California
Randy Burge, Office of Science & Technology, New Mexico
Dan Luton, Oklahoma Ctr. for the Advancement of Science & Techn., Oklahoma
Dr. Allen Carrigo, Northwest Texas Small Business Dev. Centers, Texas
Expanded Networking Break - Visit the Exhibits in the Networking Room
Technology Partners to Market
Learn how to access and leverage technical talent and innovative research at a large research institution or national laboratory. Determine which partnership method is best for you!
John Warner, Technology Ventures Corp.
Jerome Garcia, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Vic Chavez, Sandia National Laboratory
Van Romero, New Mexico Tech University
David DeYoung, Boeing-SVS
Finding the Right Partner
The objective of this session is to show you how to locate technologist, specialized capabilities and strategic partners. You will receive an overview of the Federal Laboratory Consortium and also hear from the industry perspective to help you identify how to look for partners and how to identify why industry would be interested in partnering.
Kim Ford, NASA’s Space Alliance Techn. Outreach Program (SATOP)
Susan Sprake, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Mike Hollis, Boeing-SVS
Evaluation of Grants & Contracts
Before you start writing your proposal, it can help to know how it will be evaluated – what the process is, who will be involved, what they are looking for besides content.
Sonny Kreitman, Consultant & Former SBIR Prgm. Mgr., NIH
SBIR Program Managers Representing:
DoD: Navy
Dept. of Education
DAY THREE: Friday, March 14, 2003
The Business of Doing Business with the Government
7:00am-12Noon SBIR Registration & Service Desk
7:00am-9:00am Continental Breakfast & Breaks
8:00am-12Noon Networking Room: Exhibits & One-on-one Tables Open
Time & Location
Program Session & Speakers
Pick & Choose the Right Combination of Sessions for Your Success!
Three concurrent tracks are presented to introduce you to elements involved in working with the government. Grants, Contracts, Accounting - working with the government can be difficult. Starting your own business? Check out the sessions here to learn tips, options and key points to help you be successful.
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Commercialization: The Other Deliverables
This session will address the opportunities, pitfalls and challenges each small business faces when competing for and delivering on the commercialization component of an SIR proposal. Critical components: Market assessments, competitive analyses, and business model selection will be covered. Agencies are launching new initiatives to assist with commercialization efforts. One example is the NASA Alliance for Small Business Opportunity (NASBO) Program currently being piloted in southern California by the NASA Commercialization Ctr., a NASA sponsored business incubator. Early lessons learned in the NASBO project will also be covered.
Presented by:
Julie Holland, Director, NASA Commercialization Ctr.
Doing Business with the Government
This panel will look at doing business with the federal government from the perspective of partnering. Two aspects will be considered.Partnerships with governmental agenciesHow outside partners can enhance your credibility with the government.
Moderator & Participant:
Mark Henry, PBC, Inc.
Randy Dipner, Meeting the Challenge (MTC), Inc.
Hap Stoller, Pres., TPL, Inc.
Accounting & Audits
General business and tax reporting differs from accounting for grants and contracts. Learn what you need to keep track of before you set up your systems.
Moderator & Participant:
Anthony Royle, Neff & Ricci LLP
Stephen Sallot III, TPL, Inc.
Eliot Stenzel, Government Contract, Audit & Accounting Assistance
Russ Farmer, PBC, Inc.
Expanded Networking Break - Last Chance!!!
IP- Intellectual Property: Identify & Manage
Panel members will share their experiences and thoughts about IP with the audience and then entertain your questions on how best to identify and manage your intellectual property.
Moderator & Participant:
Tom Stephenson, Murphree Venture Partners
Kevin McMahon, Sandia National Laboratory
Tom Hunt, IP Capital Group
Ask the Experts
Bring your toughest questions about the SBIR program to a panel of long-time SBIR contractors. This session features nationally-recognized experts in practical aspects of the SBIR program. They’ll offer trouble-shooting recommendations on how to deal with SBIR procedures in various agencies, suggest how the new SBIR program Directive can help you company, and provide tips on who to turn to when you hit a problem.
Alan Friedman, Planning Systems, Inc.
Jere Glover, Small Business Technology Coalition
John Robbins, Technical Solutions, Inc.
H.M. (Hap) Stoller, TPL, Inc.
Ed Wenger, Prospective Computer Analysts, Inc.
Entrepreneurial Training
The goal of this session is to provide information on tools, best practices and valuable lessons learned for SBIR entrepreneurs. Receiving an SBIR grant is not just about managing innovative research, but managing the corresponding business opportunity.
Mel Ustad, Univ. of South Dakota
Courtney Price, Venturequest, Ltd.
Kevin Holsapple, Los Alamos Commerce & Development
Steve Walsh, UNM Anderson School of Business
John Warner, Technology Ventures Corp.
Conference Officially Ends |
Optional SBIR Post-Conference Workshops
- Additional fees will apply to all Post Conference Workshops.
- See General Conference Website for details on each of the following Post-Conference Workshops
Please NOTE: All workshops are subject to minimum and maximum attendance. In the event any workshop is cancelled due to a minimum required attendance, any fees paid in advance registration will be refunded on site. In the event of a cancellation, all workshop registrants will be notified as soon as possible.
Persons registering for a workshop and not attending (No Show) will not receive a refund per established conference refund policies for No Shows.
12:15pm - 4:00pm
Check in & lunch available 11:45am
Workshop #1: Phase II - Proposal Preparation Primer
Presented by: Jim and Gail Greenwood, Greenwood Consulting Group
A workshop covering the critical components of a Phase II Proposal. This workshop includes a working lunch. Please note the early start time. To facilitate a quick start, check in and the working lunch will be available in the room from 11:45am.
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Workshop #2: Basic Accounting for Government Contracts
Presented by: Tony Royle, Neff & Ricci
Clarifies basic accounting topics as well as the day-to-day finance issues faced by small technology companies.
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Workshop #3: Three Pieces of the Puzzle!
Part #1: The Business Of Technology- Big Picture Focus
Presented by: Mark Henry, PBC, Inc.
Part #2: Let's Talk About Your Specific Partner
Presented by: Steve Walsh, UNM MOT
Part #3: NM SBIR Outreach Partnership Resources
Presented by: Barbara Stoller, TVC SBIR Outreach Director
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Workshop #4: Winning Phase III SBIR Awards/Challenging "Bundled" Contracts
Sponsored by the Small Business Technology Coalition
Panelists will include:
- Alan Friedman, President &CEO of Planning Systems, Inc.;
- Jere Glover, Executive Director of SBTC & former Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the US SBA;
- John Robbins, President &CEO of Technical Solutions, Inc.;
- H.M. (Hap) Stoller, President &CEO of TPL, Inc.;
- Ed Wenger, President &CEO of Prospective Computer Analysts, Inc.